

Translation of low-level objects in Block code.

exception pyblock.qchem.core.BlockError

Bases: Exception

class pyblock.qchem.core.BlockEvaluation

Bases: object

classmethod eigen_values(mat)

Return all eigenvalues of a StackSparseMatrix.

classmethod expr_diagonal_eval(expr, a, b, sts)

Evaluate the diagonal elements of the result of a symbolic operator expression. The diagonal elements are required for perconditioning in Davidson algorithm.

expr : OpString or OpCollection or ParaOpCollection
The operator expression to evaluate.
a : dict(OpElement -> StackSparseMatrix)
A map from operator symbol in left block to its matrix representation.
b : dict(OpElement -> StackSparseMatrix)
A map from operator symbol in right block to its matrix representation.
sts : VectorStateInfo
StateInfo in which the result of the operator expression is represented.
diag : DiagonalMatrix
classmethod expr_eval(expr, a, b, sts, q_label, nmat=0)

Evaluate the result of a symbolic operator expression. The operator expression is usually a sum of direct products of operators in left and right blocks.

expr : OpString or OpSum
The operator expression to evaluate.
a : dict(OpElement -> StackSparseMatrix)
A map from operator symbol in left block to its matrix representation.
b : dict(OpElement -> StackSparseMatrix)
A map from operator symbol in right block to its matrix representation.
sts : VectorStateInfo
StateInfo in which the result of the operator expression is represented.
q_label : DirectProdGroup
Quantum label of the result operator (indicating how it changes the state quantum labels).
nmat : StackSparseMatrix
classmethod expr_expectation(expr, a, b, ket, bra, work, sts)
classmethod expr_multiply_eval(expr, a, b, c, nwave, sts)

Evaluate the result of a symbolic operator expression applied on a wavefunction.

expr : OpString or OpCollection or ParaOpCollection
The operator expression.
a : dict(OpElement -> StackSparseMatrix)
A map from operator symbol in left block to its matrix representation.
b : dict(OpElement -> StackSparseMatrix)
A map from operator symbol in right block to its matrix representation.
c : Wavefunction
The input wavefuction.
nwave : Wavefunction
The output wavefuction.
sts : VectorStateInfo
StateInfo in which the wavefuction is represented.
expr_perturbative_density_eval(expr, a, b, c, d, forward, sts)
classmethod left_contract(i, optl, optd, mpo_info, mps_info, bra_mps_info=None)

Perform blocking MPO x MPO for left block.

i : int
Site index.
optl: OperatorTensor or DualOperatorTensor
Contracted MPO operator tensor at previous left block.
optd : OperatorTensor or DualOperatorTensor
MPO operator tensor at dot block.
mpo_info : MPOInfo
MPOInfo object.
mps_info : MPSInfo
MPSInfo object.
bra_mps_info : MPSInfo or None (if same as mps_info)
MPSInfo object for bra state.
new_opt : OperatorTensor or DualOperatorTensor
Operator tensor in untruncated basis in current left block.
classmethod left_right_contract(i, optl, optr, mpo_info, tag)

Symbolically construct the super block MPO.

i : int
Site index of first/left dot block.
optl: OperatorTensor
Contracted MPO operator at (enlarged) left block.
optr: OperatorTensor
Contracted MPO operator at (enlarged) right block.
mpo_info : MPOInfo
MPOInfo object.
tag : str
Extra tag for caching.
new_opt : OperatorTensor
Operator tensor for super block. This method does not evaluate the super block operator experssion.
classmethod left_rotate(i, opt, mpst, mps_info, bra_mpst=None, bra_mps_info=None)

Perform rotation <MPS|MPO|MPS> for left block.

i : int
Site index.
opt : OperatorTensor or DualOperatorTensor
Operator tensor in (untruncated) old basis.
mpst : Tensor
MPS tensor defining rotation in ket side.
mps_info : MPSInfo
MPSInfo object for ket state.
bra_mpst : Tensor or None (if same as mpst)
MPS tensor defining rotation in bra side.
bra_mps_info : MPSInfo
MPSInfo object for bra state.
new_opt : OperatorTensor or DualOperatorTensor
Operator tensor in (truncated) new basis.
parallelizer = None

Explicit evaluation of symbolic expression for operators.

classmethod right_contract(i, optr, optd, mpo_info, mps_info, bra_mps_info=None)

Perform blocking MPO x MPO for right block.

i : int
Site index.
optr: OperatorTensor or DualOperatorTensor
Contracted MPO operator tensor at previous right block.
optd : OperatorTensor or DualOperatorTensor
MPO operator tensor at dot block.
mpo_info : MPOInfo
MPOInfo object.
mps_info : MPSInfo
MPSInfo object.
bra_mps_info : MPSInfo or None (if same as mps_info)
MPSInfo object for bra state.
new_opt : OperatorTensor or DualOperatorTensor
Operator tensor in untruncated basis in current right block.
classmethod right_rotate(i, opt, mpst, mps_info, bra_mpst=None, bra_mps_info=None)

Perform rotation <MPS|MPO|MPS> for right block.

i : int
Site index.
opt : OperatorTensor or DualOperatorTensor
Operator tensor in (untruncated) old basis.
mpst : Tensor
MPS tensor defining rotation in ket side.
mps_info : MPSInfo
MPSInfo object for ket state.
bra_mpst : Tensor or None (if same as mpst)
MPS tensor defining rotation in bra side.
bra_mps_info : MPSInfo or None (if same as mps_info)
MPSInfo object for bra state.
new_opt : OperatorTensor or DualOperatorTensor
Operator tensor in (truncated) new basis.
simplifier = <pyblock.qchem.simplifier.NoSimplifier object>
classmethod tensor_rotate(opt, sts, rmats)

Transform basis of MPO using rotation matrix.

opt : OperatorTensor or DualOperatorTensor
Operator tensor in (untruncated) old basis.
sts : VectorStateInfo
Old (untruncated) and new (truncated) basis.
rmats : VectorVectorMatrix
Rotation matrices for ket (or bra and ket).
new_opt : OperatorTensor or DualOperatorTensor
Operator tensor in (truncated) new basis.
class pyblock.qchem.core.BlockHamiltonian(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Initialization of block code.

output_level : int
Output level of block code.
point_group : str
Point group of molecule.
n_sites : int
Number of sites/orbitals.
n_electrons : int
Number of electrons.
target_s : Fraction
SU(2) quantum number of target state.
spatial_syms : [int]
point group irrep number at each site.
target_spatial_sym : int
point group irrep number of target state.
dot : int
two-dot (2) or one-dot (1) scheme.
t : TInt
One-electron integrals.
v : VInt
Two-electron integrals.
e : float
Const term in energy.
static block_operator_summary(block)

Return a summary str of operators included in one Block (block code).

static get(fcidump, pg, su2, dot=2, output_level=0, memory=2000, page=None, omp_threads=1, **kwargs)
static get_current_memory()

Return current stack memory position.

get_site_operators(m, op_set)

Return operator representations dict(OpElement -> StackSparseMatrix) at site m.

static release_memory()
static set_current_memory(m)

Reset current stack memory to given position.

class pyblock.qchem.core.BlockSymmetry

Bases: object

Including functions for translating quantum label related objects.

classmethod from_spin_quantum(sq)

Translate from SpinQuantum (block code) to DirectProdGroup.

classmethod from_state_info(state_info)

Translate from StateInfo (block code) to [(DirectProdGroup, int)].

classmethod initial_state_info(i=0)

Return StateInfo for site basis at site i.

classmethod to_spin_quantum(dpg)

Translate from DirectProdGroup to SpinQuantum (block code).

classmethod to_state_info(states)

Translate from [(DirectProdGroup, int)] to StateInfo (block code).


FCIDUMP file and storage of integrals.

class pyblock.qchem.fcidump.GVInt(n)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.fcidump.TInt

General rank-4 array for two-electron integral storage.

n : int
Number of orbitals.
data : numpy.ndarray
1D flat array of size \(n^4\).
class pyblock.qchem.fcidump.TInt(n)

Bases: object

Symmetric rank-2 array (\(T_{ij} = T_{ji}\)) for one-electron integral storage.

n : int
Number of orbitals.
data : numpy.ndarray
1D flat array of size \(n(n+1)/2\).
find_index(i, j)

Find linear index from full indices (i, j).

class pyblock.qchem.fcidump.UVInt(n)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.fcidump.TInt

Symmetric rank-4 array (\(V_{ijkl} = V_{jikl} = V_{ijlk}\)) for two-electron integral storage.

n : int
Number of orbitals.
data : numpy.ndarray
1D flat array of size \(m^2\) where \(m=n(n+1)/2\).
find_index(i, j, k, l)

Find linear index from full indices (i, j, k, l).

class pyblock.qchem.fcidump.VInt(n)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.fcidump.TInt

Symmetric rank-4 array (\(V_{ijkl} = V_{jikl} = V_{ijlk} = V_{klij}\)) for two-electron integral storage.

n : int
Number of orbitals.
data : numpy.ndarray
1D flat array of size \(m(m+1)/2\) where \(m=n(n+1)/2\).
find_index(i, j, k, l)

Find linear index from full indices (i, j, k, l).


Read FCI options and integrals from FCIDUMP file.

filename : str
cont_dict : dict
FCI options or input parameters.
(t, v, e) : (TInt, VInt, float)
One- and two-electron integrals and const energy.
pyblock.qchem.fcidump.write_fcidump(filename, h1e, h2e, nmo, nelec, nuc, ms, isym=1, orbsym=None, tol=1e-15)


Symbolic operators.

class pyblock.qchem.operator.OpElement(name, site_index, factor=1, q_label=None)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.operator.OpExpression

Single operator symbol.

name : OpNames
Type of the operator.
site_index : () or tuple(int..)
Site indices of the operator.
factor : float
scalar factor.
q_label : DirectProdGroup
Quantum label of the operator.
Cached = {}
static parse(expr)

Parse a str to operator symbol.

static parse_site_index(expr)
class pyblock.qchem.operator.OpExpression

Bases: object

class pyblock.qchem.operator.OpNames

Bases: enum.Enum

Operator Names.

A = 12
AD = 13
B = 16
C = 6
D = 7
H = 1
I = 2
N = 3
NN = 4
NUD = 5
P = 14
PD = 15
PDM1 = 18
Q = 17
R = 10
RD = 11
S = 8
SD = 9
class pyblock.qchem.operator.OpString(ops, factor=1)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.operator.OpExpression

String of operator symbols representing direct product of single operator symbols.

ops : list(OpElement)
A list of single operator symbols.
sign : int (1 or -1)
Sign factor. With SU(2) factor considered
class pyblock.qchem.operator.OpSum(strings)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.operator.OpExpression

Sum of direct product of single operator symbols.

strings : list(OpString)


Matrix Product State for quantum chemistry calculations.

class pyblock.qchem.mps.LineCoupling(n_sites, basis, empty, target)

Bases: object

set_bond_dimension(m, exact=False)

Truncate the renormalized basis, using the given bond dimension. Note that the ceiling is used for rounding for each quantum number, so the actual bond dimension is often larger than the given value.

set_bond_dimension_using_occ(m, occ, bias=1)
tensor_product(p, q)
class pyblock.qchem.mps.MPS(lcp, center, dot=2, iprint=False, tensors=None)

Bases: pyblock.tensor.tensor.TensorNetwork

Matrix Product State.




Deep copy.


Fill MPS reduced matrices with identity matrices whenever possible.

fit(o, v)
static from_tensor_network(tn, mps_info, center, dot=2)

Fill MPS reduced matrices with random numbers in [0, 1).


Deep copy with zeros.

class pyblock.qchem.mps.MPSInfo(lcp)

Bases: object

from_left_rotation_matrix(i, rot)

Translate rotation matrix (block code) in left block to rank-3 Tensor.

i : int
Site index.
rot : VectorMatrix
Rotation matrix, defining the transformation from untruncated (but collected) basis to truncated basis.
tensor : class:Tensor
from_right_rotation_matrix(i, rot)

Translate rotation matrix (block code) in right block to rank-3 Tensor.

i : int
Site index.
rot : VectorMatrix
Rotation matrix, defining the transformation from untruncated (but collected) basis to truncated basis.
tensor : class:Tensor
from_wavefunction_fused(i, wfn, sts=None)

Construct rank-2 Tensor with fused indices from Wavefunction (block code).

i : int
Site index of first/left dot.
wfn : Wavefunction
tensor : class:Tensor
In two-dot scheme, the rank-2 tensor representing two-dot object. Both left and right rank indices are fused. No CG factor are generated. One-dot scheme is not implemented.
get_left_rotation_matrix(i, tensor)

Translate rank-3 Tensor to rotation matrix (block code) in left block.

i : int
Site index.
tensor : class:Tensor
MPS tensor.
rot : VectorMatrix
Rotation matrix, defining the transformation from untruncated (but collected) basis to truncated basis.
get_left_state_info(i, left=None)

Construct StateInfo for left block [0..i] (used internally)

get_right_rotation_matrix(i, tensor)

Translate rank-3 Tensor to rotation matrix (block code) in right block.

i : int
Site index.
tensor : class:Tensor
MPS tensor.
rot : VectorMatrix
Rotation matrix, defining the transformation from untruncated (but collected) basis to truncated basis.
get_right_state_info(i, right=None)

Construct StateInfo for right block [i..:attr:n_sites-1] (used internally)

get_wavefunction_fused(i, tensor, dot, sts=None)

Construct Wavefunction (block code) from rank-2 Tensor.

i : int
Site index of first/left dot.
tensors : [Tensor]
Rank-2 Tensor with fused indices.
dot : int
One-dot or two-dot (default) scheme.
wfn : Wavefunction
update_local_left_block_basis(i, left_block_basis)

Update renormalized basis at site i and associated StateInfo objects.

This will update for left block with sites [0..i] and [0..i+1]

i : int
Center site, for determining assocated left and right blocks.
left_block_basis : [(DirectProdGroup, int)]
Renormalized basis for left block with sites [0..i].
update_local_left_state_info(i, left=None)

Update StateInfo objects for left block ending at site i.

i : int
Last site in the left block.
left : StateInfo
The (optional) StateInfo object for previous left block. Defaults to None.
right : StateInfo
The StateInfo object for current left block.
update_local_right_block_basis(i, right_block_basis)

Update renormalized basis at site i and associated StateInfo objects.

This will update for right block with sites [i+1..:attr:n_sites-1] and [i..:attr:n_sites-1].

i : int
Center site, for determining assocated left and right blocks.
right_block_basis : [(DirectProdGroup, int)]
Renormalized basis for right block with sites [i+1..:attr:n_sites-1].
update_local_right_state_info(i, right=None)

Update StateInfo objects for right block starting at site i.

i : int
First site in the right block.
right : StateInfo
The (optional) StateInfo object for previous right block. Defaults to None.
left : StateInfo
The StateInfo object for current right block.
pyblock.qchem.mps.random_choice(data, m)


Matrix Product Operator for quantum chemistry calculations.

class pyblock.qchem.mpo.DualOperatorTensor(lmat=None, rmat=None, ops=None, tags=None, contractor=None)

Bases: pyblock.tensor.tensor.Tensor

MPO tensor or contracted MPO tensor with dual (left and right) representation.


Return shallow copy of this object.

class pyblock.qchem.mpo.IdentityMPO(hamil, iprint=False)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.mpo.MPO

class pyblock.qchem.mpo.IdentityMPOInfo(hamil, cache_contraction=True)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.mpo.MPOInfo

class pyblock.qchem.mpo.LocalMPO(hamil, op_name, site_index=(), **kwargs)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.mpo.MPO

class pyblock.qchem.mpo.LocalMPOInfo(hamil, op_name, site_index=(), **kwargs)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.mpo.MPOInfo

class pyblock.qchem.mpo.MPO(hamil, iprint=False)

Bases: pyblock.tensor.tensor.TensorNetwork

class pyblock.qchem.mpo.MPOInfo(hamil, cache_contraction=True)

Bases: object

class pyblock.qchem.mpo.OperatorTensor(mat, ops, tags=None, contractor=None)

Bases: pyblock.tensor.tensor.Tensor

Represent MPO tensor or contracted MPO tensor.

mat : numpy.ndarray(dtype=OpExpression)
2-D array of Symbolic operator expressions.
ops : dict(OpElement -> StackSparseMatrix)
Numeric representation of operator symbols. When the object is the super block MPO, ops is a pair of dicts representing operator symbols for left and right blocks, respectively.

Return shallow copy of this object.

class pyblock.qchem.mpo.ProdMPO(hamil, opa_name, opb_name, opab_name, site_index_a=(), site_index_b=(), site_index_ab=(), **kwargs)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.mpo.MPO

class pyblock.qchem.mpo.ProdMPOInfo(hamil, opa_name, opb_name, opab_name, site_index_a=(), site_index_b=(), site_index_ab=(), **kwargs)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.mpo.MPOInfo

class pyblock.qchem.mpo.SquareMPO(hamil, op_name, opsq_name, site_index=(), **kwargs)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.mpo.MPO

class pyblock.qchem.mpo.SquareMPOInfo(hamil, op_name, opsq_name, site_index=(), **kwargs)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.mpo.MPOInfo


Specialized MPS/MPO operations for DMRG.

class pyblock.qchem.contractor.BlockMultiplyH(opt, sts, diag=True)

Bases: object

A wrapper of Block.MultiplyH (block code) for Davidson algorithm.

opt : OperatorTensor
The (symbolic) super block Hamiltonian.
st : StateInfo
StateInfo of super block.
diag_mat : DiagonalMatrix
Diagonal elements of super block Hamiltonian, in flatten form with no quantum labels.
apply(other, result)

Perform \(\hat{H}|\psi\rangle\).

other : BlockWavefunction
Input vector/wavefunction.
result : BlockWavefunction
Output vector/wavefunction.

Returns Diagonal elements (for preconditioning).

expect(ket, bra)
class pyblock.qchem.contractor.BlockWavefunction(wave, factor=1.0)

Bases: object

A wrapper of Wavefunction (block code) for Davidson algorithm.


Return a deep copy of this object, but all the matrix elements are set to zero.


Return a deep copy of this object.


Fill the matrix elements in this object with data from another BlockWavefunction object.


Deallocate the memory associated with this object.


Return dot product of two BlockWavefunction.



precondition(ld, diag)

Apply precondition on this object.

ld : float
diag : DiagonalMatrix
Diagonal elements of Hamiltonian.
exception pyblock.qchem.contractor.ContractionError

Bases: Exception

class pyblock.qchem.contractor.DMRGContractor(mps_info, mpo_info, simplifier=None, parallelizer=None, davidson_tol=5e-06)

Bases: object

bra_mps_info is MPSInfo of some constant MPS.

apply(opt, mpst)
contract(tn, tags)

Tensor network contraction.

tn : TensorNetwork
Part of tensor network to be contracted.
tags : (str, int) or (str, )
Tags of the tensor network to be contracted. If tags = (‘_LEFT’, i), the contraction is corresponding to blocking and renormalizing left block at site i. If tags = (‘_RIGHT’, i), the contraction is corresponding to blocking and renormalizing right block at site i. If tags = (‘_HAM’), the contraction is corresponding to blocking both left and right block and forming the super block hamiltonian.
mpo : OperatorTensor
The contracted MPO tensor.
eigs(opt, mpst)

Davidson diagonalization.

opt : OperatorTensor
Super block contracted operator tensor.
mpst : Tensor
Contracted MPS tensor in dot blocks.
energy : float
Ground state energy.
v : class:Tensor
In two-dot scheme, the rank-2 tensor representing two-dot object. Both left and right rank indices are fused. One-dot scheme is not implemented.
ndav : int
Number of Davidson iterations.
expect(opt, brat, kett)
expo_apply(opt, mpst, beta)
fuse_left(i, tensor, original_form)
fuse_right(i, tensor, original_form)
perturbative_noise(opt, mpst)

Operations performed at the end of each DMRG sweep.


Operations performed at the beginning of each DMRG sweep.

unfuse_left(i, tensor)
unfuse_right(i, tensor)
update_local_left_mps_info(i, l_fused)

Update info for site i using the left tensor from SVD.

update_local_right_mps_info(i, r_fused)

Update info for site i using the right tensor from SVD.

class pyblock.qchem.contractor.DMRGDataPage(save_dir='node0', n_frames=1)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.contractor.DataPage

Determine how to swap data between disk and memory for DMRG calculation.

activate(tags, reset=False)

Activate one data page in memory for writing data.


Delete all temporary files.


Allocate memory for all pages.


Load data page from disk to memory, for reading data.


Deallocate memory for all pages.


Save the data page in memory to disk.


Unload data page in memory for reading data.

class pyblock.qchem.contractor.DataPage

Bases: object

activate(tags, reset=None)


Rules for simplifying symbolic operator expressions.

class pyblock.qchem.simplifier.AllRules(su2=True)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class pyblock.qchem.simplifier.NoSimplifier

Bases: object

No simplification is performed.

class pyblock.qchem.simplifier.NoTransposeRules(su2=True, rule=None)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class pyblock.qchem.simplifier.OpCollection(uniq, linked=None)

Bases: object

Bases: object

class pyblock.qchem.simplifier.OpShell(data)

Bases: object

class pyblock.qchem.simplifier.PDM1Rules(su2=True)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: object

class pyblock.qchem.simplifier.RuleSU2

Bases: object

class A(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class B(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class D(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class P(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class PDM1(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class Q(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class R(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class pyblock.qchem.simplifier.RuleSZ

Bases: object

class A(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class B(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class D(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class P(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class PDM1(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class Q(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class R(f=<function Rule.<lambda>>)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Rule

class pyblock.qchem.simplifier.Simplifier(rule)

Bases: object

Simplify complementary operators using symmetry properties.



MPI parallelization.

class pyblock.qchem.parallelizer.ParaOpCollection(uniq, linked=None, partial=None, collect=None, broadcast=None, bcast_all=False)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.simplifier.OpCollection

class pyblock.qchem.parallelizer.ParaProperty(owner, repeated, repeated_num, partial)

Bases: object

class pyblock.qchem.parallelizer.ParaRule(size=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>)

Bases: object

class pyblock.qchem.parallelizer.Parallelizer(rule, rank=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>)

Bases: object

parallelize(op_coll, do_partial=False, bcast_all=False)


Setting up integral for calculating thermal quantities.

class pyblock.qchem.thermal.FreeEnergy(hamil)

Bases: object



Initialize quantum numbers using occupation numbers.

class pyblock.qchem.occupation.Occupation(occ, n_sites, basis, empty, target, bias=1)

Bases: object

set_bond_dimension(fci_l, fci_r, m)
tensor_product(p, q)


Ancilla approach for finite temperature simulation.

class pyblock.qchem.ancilla.mps.AncillaLineCoupling(n_sites, basis, empty, target)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.mps.LineCoupling

class pyblock.qchem.ancilla.mps.AncillaMPS(lcp, center, dot=2, iprint=False, tensors=None)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.mps.MPS

class pyblock.qchem.ancilla.mpo.Ancilla(cls, npdm=False)

Bases: object

MPO/MPOInfo Class decorator for adding ancilla sites.

static NPDM(cls)


N-particle density matrix.

MPO for N-particle density matrix.

class pyblock.qchem.npdm.mpo.NRMMPO(hamil, iprint=False)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.mpo.MPO

class pyblock.qchem.npdm.mpo.NRMMPOInfo(hamil, cache_contraction=True)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.mpo.MPOInfo

class pyblock.qchem.npdm.mpo.PDM1MPO(hamil, iprint=False)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.mpo.MPO

class pyblock.qchem.npdm.mpo.PDM1MPOInfo(hamil, cache_contraction=True)

Bases: pyblock.qchem.mpo.MPOInfo